Thursday, June 20, 2013

Unit 4- Projectile Motion

 Garrett is skateboarding across at a slow and constant rate of 3m/s. With allergy season and all, he's kind of congested and needs to get rid of his mucus, and for some reason decides to spit straight up into the air. So where will this wad of saliva end up?
Little did Garrett know that it would end up right back in his face again ! aha . gross. Because Garrett is traveling at a constant 3m/s his mucus ball is also traveling at 3 m/s when he spits it out. This means it follows garrett until it falls from gravity. Now how could Garrett avoid his own spit ball in this situation? Well he could have spit to the side, yes. But he also could have accelerated in this time span in order to travel at a different rate than the spit ball. 


  1. Did you draw this???? That's so cool!!!1

  2. Super good job Melody, the picture represented the summary well!
