Monday, June 10, 2013



I am Melody.
I am curious.
I am an artist.

As an artist, a creator, I believe it is important to have a good overview of everything, a nice taste of all sorts that this place (the universe, the earth)  has to offer. Whether it is (applied) math, science, philosophy, history, etc, I always want to learn more about it !  Everything is connected and intertwined, and having a better understanding of the big picture just makes art making that much more meaningful.

So far I have taken Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Anatomy (major systems) in my academy years. The last math class I took was Alg2/Trig BCP, and I will not continue math next year (!!!!!!!!!!!yes!). I really love learning about all the different sciences, but it can be a challenge because of the math concepts involved. I was 100% sure that I was not going to take Physics, as I don't need the credit, (and also heard that it involved lots of math) that is until I took Astronomy. We learned some basic physics concepts in Astronomy, such as the theory of relativity, and I was very intrigued! So I figured it would be a good idea to take it over the summer, that way I can focus on the concepts, and not have to worry too much about my grades and getting overwhelmed during the regular school year.

The image above is a self portrait I drew recently, and I felt it represents me very well. Close pals of mine always recognize me from afar because of my jacket and hat, aha.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful portrait. You are a very talented artist and I know that as you continue to be exposed to different things, you will continue to refine your style and find your voice as an artist.

    The theory of relativity and quantum physics is very interesting and we may not be covering it, but I will gladly share some of this with you if you are interested. Hope to keep you interested and enlightened.
